About Us
Leslie J. Anderson

Leslie is a fiction writer, poet, and artist. In her day job she manages marketing for a healthcare company. She has an unhealthy obsession with lattes.
Her collection of poetry, An Inheritance of Stone released from Alliteration Ink and her novel, The Cricket Prophecies, was released by Post Mortem Press. She has two books of writing prompts, Inklings and 100 Prompts for Science Fiction Writers from Sterling Publishing.
Leslie graduated from Ohio University with a masters in poetry. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart and a Rhysling Award. Her collection of poetry was nominated for an Elgin Award.
Anton Cancre

Anton Cancre daylights as a herder of middle school teens and has oozed symbolic word-farms onto the pages of Jamais Vu, The Horror Zine, and D.O.A. II while vomiting malformed literary opinions at evisceratingpen.com and antoncancre.blogspot.com. In 2010, he was awarded the Eviscerating Pen at the first ever Hiram Awards.
Alliteration Ink

Alliteration Ink has a reputation for publishing stories that break boundaries and push the imagination—stories that take chances. This project not only pursues two passions of the publisher—a new appreciation of poetry and a deep love of transgressive short fiction—but also provides an opportunity to pay authors and poets professional rates for their work.